“Verily, with every hardship comes ease” [Al-Quran 94:6]

Welcome To One Qibla One Voice

Our Mission

Our organization aims to establish a unified platform for tackling the social issues faced by the Muslim community at large and to work for the betterment of human race.

Our Focus

Our focus is the unification of the Muslim community as a whole to counter the issues and challenges faced time again and again in social spheres.

Our Beliefs

One Qibla One Voice believes that the Muslim community is one community and not a fragmentation of groups for the entire human race.

Keeping Our Communities Safe & Aware

Legal Awareness

One Qibla One Voice aims to provide Legal Awareness within the community, it will benefit those without the means to access quality legal education.

Community Rights

One Qibla One Voice is a platform where responsible individuals take up the issues pertaining to the rights of the community in various democratic forums.